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subota, 20.03.2010.

jos jedan intervju(na srpskom)

Trenutno najaktuelnija tinejdžerska muzička atrakcija nemački bend „Tokio Hotel” održaće prvi koncert u našoj zemlji 28. marta u „Beogradskoj areni”. Četvoročlani sastav predstaviće se domaćoj publici u okviru velike turneje „Welcome to Humanoid City”, a u intervjuu za „Blic” pričaju čega su se sve odrekli kako bi postali svetske zvezde, te o kojoj muzičkoj nagradi još uvek sanjaju.

Da li ste ikada ranije bili u Beogradu i šta znate o Srbiji?
- Nikada nismo posetili Beograd, ali čuli smo samo lepe stvari i očekujemo da ćemo se lepo provesti kod vas.

Kakav repertoar ste spremili za koncert u Beogradu?
- U Beograd dolazimo u okviru turneje „Welcome to Humanoid City” s kojom promovišemo album „Humanoid”, tako da ćemo pretežno svirati stvari sa tog albuma.

Poznato je da ste bendu dali ime po glavnom gradu Japana, zašto baš Tokio?
- Zanimljivo je da nikada nismo bili u Tokiju, ali to je jedan od naših najvećih snova. Kad smo menjali ime benda, pošto smo se ranije zvali „Devilish”, dopalo nam se kako ta reč „Tokio” zvuči. Tokom ove turneje ćemo posetiti Japan i, nadamo se, posetiti Tokio, pa možda i održati neki koncert tamo.

Vrlo mladi ste postali poznati i popularni, da li mislite da ste nešto propustili u odrastanju i sazrevanju u odnosu na vaše vršnjake?
- Mi možemo da doživimo toliko stvari, kao što su putovanja, upoznavanja svih svetskih gradova i još puno stvari koje naši vršnjaci sigurno ne mogu. Naš prvi singl je izašao kada nam je bilo po 13 godina, naš najveći san se ispunio i sve u svemu se ludo provodimo. Međutim, naravno da propuštamo masu stvari, ne možemo da šetamo ulicama normalno i više nemamo privatan život, ali to je odluka koju svesno donesete kada se bavite ovim poslom. Ovo je ono što smo želeli i na čemu smo radili.
Imate veoma neobičan stajling, da li tim stajlingom nešto poručujete vašoj publici?
- Poruka je jednostavna - da budu ono što jesu. Nas je četvorica u bendu i svi smo potpuno različiti kada je stil oblačenja u pitanju. Najvažnije je da se izrazite i da pokažete ko ste i to je ono što želimo da naši fanovi znaju.

Po čemu se vaš poslednji album „Humanoid” razlikuje od prethodnih?
- Dosta smo toga doživeli i naučili dok je ovaj album produciran, budući da se taj proces odigravao u više različitih gradova, a i mi sami smo se prvi put našli u ulozi koproducenta. Iako je bio u pitanju dug proces, bilo je sjajno i na ovom albumu ima više elektronike, ali i dalje možete da čujete onaj stari „Tokio Hotel”.

Na šta ste u vašoj dosadašnjoj karijeri najviše ponosni?
- Uh, ima tako puno stvari na koje smo ponosni da je teško odlučiti se za samo jednu. To može biti trenutak kada smo imali naš prvi singl koji je postao broj jedan na top listama ili koncert u Parizu na kojem je bilo pola miliona ljudi, kao i kada smo u Americi na dodeli WMA proglašeni za najbolji novi bend.

Šta mislite, čemu dugujete svoj munjeviti uspeh?
- Ne postoji neka konkretna tajna… u stvari, imamo najlepšeg gitaristu na svetu, eto to je. (smeh) Dosta toga dugujemo sreći i napornom radu i talentu. Stvarno smo imali sreće da se kao nemački bend probijemo.

Da li imate poruku za vaše fanove u Srbiji?
- Želimo da se zahvalimo svim našim fanovima za svu podršku koju su nam do sada pružili i jedva čekamo da upoznamo našu publiku u Beogradu i stvarno smo srećni zbog toga, super ćemo se provesti!

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petak, 19.03.2010.

evo novi post....nije mi se dalo znamiljivo je iako je na eng...XD

The German band who drives little girls crazy (but for how long?) is coming to Italy on tour. Guess where we interviewed them?

Hands up anyone who remembers a Tokio Hotel song. If you attend middle school you’ll probably be appalled right now since you know by heart every single word. If you are older than 15, you’ll be perplexed. At most someone could sing “na-na-na-na monsoon”. If you belong to the first group you’re impatiently waiting for one of the next four Italian gigs. If you belong to the second one, prepare yourself to see well-known scenes in the newscast: little girls screaming for four guys in their twenties (one with make-up and a strange haircut, one with braids who looks like a rapper, one with short hair and one with long hair). They are Tokio Hotel, the German band who’ve sold the most records during the last few years (three millions of albums sold all over the world, 700.000 just with the most recent one, Humanoid, released last October). Even if insiders say that the band’s popularity is dwindling (the four dates are not sold out like two years ago), even if the American Rolling Stone has reviewed their new album saying that it is “melodically anemic and strangely low-key”, even if Google Trends (a feature which provides insights into broad search patterns on web) testifies that the search of the word “Tokio Hotel” is decreasing and even if on Facebook the group called “this aubergine has more fans than Tokio Hotel” has accomplished its mission – the four boys from Magdeburg are still conquering thousands of infatuated teenagers who are ready for anything.

The boys fit their roles perfectly. When we meet them in a luxurious hotel suite, Bill Kaulitz – the singer – enters, greets, comes to an halt, widens his legs and he starts posing in front of the photographer with a continuous change of facial expressions (enigmatic stare – a little less enigmatic stare – cryptic stare – a little less cryptic stare) – even Ben Stiller in Zoolander can’t do better! Too bad the photographer is still maneuvering with flashes and computers. The manager tells Bill that the photoshoot is yet to start. Bill says “Ok” and heads toward the make-up artist (Nathalie) who retouches his foundation.

In the meantime – knowing that Nathalie plays a key role for the band thanks to her skills with hairspray, blush and pencils – we ask her how long she has been working with Tokio Hotel. She moves away laughing and ending the conversation with a “No comment”, “It’s a secret”, “It’s a mystery”. As if it were the fourth secret of Fatima… I’m told it’s normal. An urban legend tells that she had a relationship with Bill – someone denies it and says this is just a covering for his alleged homosexuality which would let his young female fans down, whereas others say it’s true but he doesn’t admit it for the same reason, namely not to disappoint his fans. After all, in every single interview it’s told that he is looking for a girl to fall in love with, Tom falls for a different girl every night, Gustav is single and Georg is the only one who’s had a girlfriend, for a year.

After the photoshoot – which they undergo with seriousness and compliance, with a German-Japanese attitude which fits their name – they lie down on a double bed in the room next door. They invite me to sit with them and to make the interview on the mattress every fan would kill for.

Bill, you’re the girls’ idol, but the songwriter of your lyrics as well. The second single, World Behind My Wall, says: “Wanna wake up in a dream”. How is your world behind the façade?

Bill: A very lucky world. I’ve got a family, my four dogs, my brother Tom, the band and my job. But at the same time it’s difficult to find the same happiness in the world outside – I realize mine is quite an ecceptional case.

Your album is called Humanoid, on its cover there’s a Bill-robot and in many songs you underline this theme: you’re not robots, but people with a heart.
Bill: Many people just looked at the cover and thought that we wanted to play “robots”. Honestly, we thought to name the album like this because we feel like “humanoids”, i.e. “human-like”. We feel strange, different. In Alien I sing “There’s an alien in me”, but – to be honest – I’m singing about the search of love, about the union with your other half. In every song we talk about emotions and childhood memories, we’re sentimental and totally human.

Talking about aliens, you have said you believe in Martians.
Bill: I believe in many things, even if I don’t follow a specific religion. I’m sure that there’s life beyond death or on other planets. And I strongly believe in fate. Me and my brother doing this job was written in fate, we’ve loved music since we were kids.

Apart from yours, what music do you like? Where does your inspiration come from?
Tom: I like Stereophonics.
Gustav: I listen to Metallica. But on the right calf I have tattooed a sentence by Johnny Cash, whom I really like.

Tom: You know, honestly, we’ve got little time to listen to music. We’re always on the road playing our music and at the end of the day our ears can’t take any more.

Do you ever have any breaks?
Bill: Never. Actually, even reading a book or a magazine its impossible.

Talking about readings, Bill, you left middle school. Aren’t you interested in learning something more?
Bill: I’ve not taken a diploma because at that time I was already writing our first album and I don’t know if I’ll ever take the diploma. Now I’m Tokio Hotel frontman, that’s what I’m doing and I have a lot of fun.
Tom: I don’t feel like getting one right now, I’m not interested. But I assure you we can write, read and count.

Gustav: I’ve taken my diploma in professional studies through an online-school. Maybe one day I’ll continue my studies… But at the moment we’re focused on the band, you know. It’s like our dream has finally come true and we want to carry it out. For our fans, too.

Gustav, last year you were attacked in a club, whereas Tom allegedly punched a girl who asked him for an autograph. What’s happening to you?

Gustav: It seems incredible, but even I get recognized like a Tokio Hotel member. That’s why that night a guy in a club wanted to express how little he liked the band – let’s put it like that – and he smashed a beer mug on my head.

Tom: As in my case, lot of lies have been written. I’ve never hit a woman. Actually, I’ve had an argument with somebody on my way back home. However, they weren’t fans asking for an autograph, but girls I knew and they didn’t exactly have good intentions. You know, it was a private matter. This is also the proof we can’t go out without bodyguards, even when we’re not working.

Well, to avoid being assaulted, now you should…
Bill: Set your heart at rest: we’re not going to give up.

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četvrtak, 11.03.2010.


da,tako je nas th koncert ce bit odrzan u beogradu....
i to 28.3. kad je trebao bit kod nas!!!!
ja necu ic tamo!!! idem u bec !!!
ovo su cijene karata u srbiji ako nekog zanima : Fan pit-490

evo ovdje je najava:

evo slikice i video

tom i bill kao bebe :) tom desni,bill lijevi

koncert u rotterdamu,noise

human conectt to human

pain of love <3


in your shadow

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da,tako je nas th koncert ce bit odrzan u beogradu....
i to 28.3. kad je trebao bit kod nas!!!!
ja necu ic tamo!!! idem u bec !!!
ovo su cijene karata u srbiji ako nekog zanima : Fan pit-490

evo ovdje je najava:

evo slikice i video

tom i bill kao bebe :) tom desni,bill lijevi

koncert u rotterdamu,noise

human conectt to human

pain of love <3


in your shadow

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da,tako je nas th koncert ce bit odrzan u beogradu....
i to 28.3. kad je trebao bit kod nas!!!!
ja necu ic tamo!!! idem u bec !!!
ovo su cijene karata u srbiji ako nekog zanima : Fan pit-490

evo ovdje je najava:

evo slikice i video

tom i bill kao bebe :) tom desni,bill lijevi

koncert u rotterdamu,noise

human conectt to human

pain of love <3


in your shadow

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da,tako je nas th koncert ce bit odrzan u beogradu....
i to 28.3. kad je trebao bit kod nas!!!!
ja necu ic tamo!!! idem u bec !!!
ovo su cijene karata u srbiji ako nekog zanima : Fan pit-490

evo ovdje je najava:

evo slikice i video

tom i bill kao bebe :) tom desni,bill lijevi

koncert u rotterdamu,noise

human conectt to human

pain of love <3


in your shadow

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Komentari ( 2 ) Image and video hosting by TinyPic


da,tako je nas th koncert ce bit odrzan u beogradu....
i to 28.3. kad je trebao bit kod nas!!!!
ja necu ic tamo!!! idem u bec !!!
ovo su cijene karata u srbiji ako nekog zanima : Fan pit-490

evo ovdje je najava:

evo slikice i video

tom i bill kao bebe :) tom desni,bill lijevi

koncert u rotterdamu,noise

human conectt to human

pain of love <3


in your shadow

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subota, 06.03.2010.

koncerta nema...:'((( al evo jedan intervju,neda mi se prevoditi XD reci cu vam jos ako se nesto bude dogadalo s koncertom

Not from this world
He’s loved or hated, nobody stays unaffected by him: Tokio-Hotel-Singer Bill Kaulitz is on the way to become a global superstar. For the first time the matured Musician talks about the burden of Fame, his fears, the longing for true love – and presents himself in a completely new Look.

Mister Kaulitz, You became a star at the age of 15 and since 5 years you're living permanently under exceptional circumstances. When you look back, what do you feel?
The first years were like a flush. We didn't have to go to school anymore, because it was besieged all the time. I, of course, thought that this was great. We could do what we wanted. But there was also an other side. I remember, that I wanted to celebrate my 16th birthday, but instead I had to give some interviews. It's hard to develop this discipline and to accomodate to such things, it was exhausting.

2 years ago you lost your voice during a concert and you had to undergo a surgery. Now you're on tour with your band Tokio hotel and you'll play 32 concerts in 19 countries. How big is the fear that this'll happen again?
I always carry this fear in me, it never leaves me. But I already played some concerts since then. It'll work out.

Back then, did you think that you won't be able to sing again in the future?
Sometimes yes. My whole life is based on my voice, that's why it was such a horrible time. I was sitting alone in my hotel room in Berlin while the Band waited for me to return to Barcelona, to continue the Tour. I couldn't even talk. I couldn't even get out, because the whole Hotel had been sorrounded by Paparazzi. I felt very helpless. The tour had to be cancelled. I'm glad that this is behind me now.

Tokio hotel was ridiculed as a short-lived teen sensation at the beginning. Meanwhile you're on the best way to become global superstars. Is it a satisfaction for you, that you could show the critics that they were wrong?
I'm over this now. It was important for me to prove that we're not one of those one-hit-wonders when our second album has been released. Now we clarified this.

You played in Paris in front of a crowd of 500 000 people, after you got an invitation from the state president. What do you feel in such moments?
I'm really, really nervous before concerts. It constricts my throat, my heart beats fast and my hands are shaking. Then, when I'm on stage, everything happens as if you're in trance. After the concert I often don't know what I did on stage. The movements kind of happen automatically.

You're under permanent observation, also through the Paparazzi. Is this a fulfillment or a impertinence for you?
I can't live with fame, and I can't live without it. There are days, where I wish I could walk on the streets without being discovered. But what should I do? Bill kaulitz as an office worker, sitting in front of the computer - I would become dilapidated. I do the things, that I do best. Standing on a stage and entertaining people. I get anxious when I watch TV and see an award show where Tokio Hotel aren't present. I want to be on the top. That's my internal force. It's what's holding me together.

Your Band polarizes the mass. One either hates or loves you...
...and that's how it should be. The most horrible thing that could happen is when people wouldn't care about me or what I did anymore. Tokio Hotel should arouse strong emotions in a person. Of course I could dress normally in the morning, to not stand out, but that's simply not who I am.

Is there just an artificial Bill?
It's not that I'm startled when I look into the mirror in the moring, but the Bill who wears make-up is much closer to me. But I'm also not just an artificial character, like many people still think. The ones who make the effort to look at old pictures of my childhood will see that I always ran around like this.

You grew up in a village with 700 inhabitants near Magdeburg with your twin brother Tom.
My childhood was a long struggle. I knew that by stepping into the school bus in the morning, that one half would laugh about me and the other one would insult me. My brother Tom and I felt like aliens on the wrong planet. Sometimes our step father had to get us from the bus stop with our dog and a baseball bat, so that we wouldn't get beaten up.

Did you search this provocation?
Of course. I didn't make life easy for me. I wanted to provoke them. I enjoyed it when I stepped into school in the morning and when one half of our classmates turned around. I know it sounds a littlle neurotic and sick, but that's how it was. I could have never lived with the fact that everyone likes me, because I grew up with polarizing people.

Did the hatred towards you surprise you at the beginning of your career?
When I watch our old Performances and Videos I start to wonder. We were so young and innocent and had those baby-faces. And then there was this enormous hatred towards us. It wasn't just one that people called me a "Fag". Today I find it amusing. I understand that some people had this expression, but that the newspapers still write about this makes me wonder. It has to bore the people to death by now.

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ponedjeljak, 01.03.2010.


ljudi moji koncert u hrv je otkazan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((((

aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee,ja sam gotova

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petak, 26.02.2010.

Datumi koncerata :))

22.02.2010 LU Luxembourg ROCKHAL
23.02.2010 NL Rotterdam AHOY
25.02.2010 BE Brussels FOREST NATIONAL
26.02.2010 DE Oberhausen ARENA
28.02.2010 DE Hamburg COLORLINE ARENA
01.03.2010 DK Copenhagen FORUM
03.03.2010 NO Oslo VALHALL
04.03.2010 SE Stockholm THE GLOBE
05.03.2010 SE Gothenburg SCANDINAVIUM
07.03.2010 FI Helsinki HARTWALL ARENA
08.03.2010 RU St. Petersburg ICEHALL
10.03.2010 RU Moscow OLYMPIC STADIUM
14.03.2010 PL Lodz SPORTS HALL
15.03.2010 CZ Prague TESLA ARENA
17.03.2010 FR Lille ZENITH
18.03.2010 FR Lyon TONY GARNIER
20.03.2010 FR Nantes ZENITH
22.03.2010 FR Nice NIKAIA
23.03.2010 FR Marseille ZENITH LE DOME
25.03.2010 IT Torino PALA TORINO
26.03.2010 IT Padova PALASPORT
28.03.2010 HR Zagreb ARENA ZAGREB
30.03.2010 AT Vienna STADTHALLE
31.03.2010 CH Zurich HALLENSTADION
02.04.2010 FR Toulouse ZENITH
05.04.2010 ES Barcelona PALAU ST JORDI
06.04.2010 ES Madrid PALACIO DE DEPORTES
07.04.2010 PT Lisbon ATLANTICO | >TICKETS
12.04.2010 IT Milan MEDIOLANUM FORUM
14.04.2010 FR Paris BERCY

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